np: Gatemouth Brown - Blackjack (Sugar Hill) (reissue from the '77 Real
Records LP)

Can't believe it's been 22 years.

Represents several firsts for me from 1977:

First time I'd ever heard of Gatemouth Brown. Just thought it looked cool at
the record store. Liked his name, and his clothes in the cover shot.

First cassette format I'd ever bought. (sounded *so* much better than 8-track
on my brand new Sound Design player)

First black man I'd ever heard play blues fiddle. (wait a minute....I *still*
haven't heard another black man play fiddle blues like GMB; I'm guessing
they're out there somewhere, I just haven't heard them)

Listening now, I'm reminded how Gate plays the words to "Blackjack" on his
guitar, and the notes are as understandable as the words are. (kinda like
Albert Collins' playing the words "shut up....bitch" on Too Many Dirty Dishes)

Twangy, jazzy, bluesy fun. I love it....again.

Joe X. Horn
Third Coast Music Network

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