>>>> This is much like the music debate, either you like it or you don't...but

please don't try and stamp a # on my forehead and call me just another

asshole because I drive an SUV.

>>>>quick to plug SUV drivers as a certain type.

>>>>The great majority of folks do not subscribe to P2 to discuss SUVs.

>>>>How did George Jones' driving mistake turn into this conversation?

Derek, Paul, whoever, darlin, ya'll — calm down. I don't think I ever once
mentioned that people who drive SUV's were assholes. Where the hell did you
get that? I enjoyed other comments from those on the list who mentioned older
cars and just got a little nastalgic. Hey ya'll, I did not say SUV drivers
suck, I just personally don't dig the vehicle. So what? I don't like green
food either, so what? Infact, I think green food sucks.... so what?

Talking about a car is one thing, but I certainly don't want any of you to
suggest that I would rag on your character because of what you drive, music
you listen to (unless you like *insert worst band on earth you can think
of*>g<), what color you are, what you wear, bla bla bla. Hell, I don't even
know you. 

Ya'll express your opinions about everything under the sun, 
sometimes ya'll just talk about music. 
Sometimes music moves to baseball. 
Sometimes serious subjects like a legend who has a car wreck moves to cell
phones or to SUV's.  

More power to you if you are the proud owner of an SUV. Great. Get one of
those 19 foot jobbies. For me, I would rather have an old boat gas guzzzzzzlin
Cadillac. I'll settle for my Merc. Big deal. So what? Read whatever you feel
you must into that, I just like old cars!

Often times on this list,  people tend to read too much in-between the lines. 

Now I am sure there is some music or musician that can be discussed, ragged
upon, picked apart, analyzed, second guessed, trashed.... or maybe even

My sincere deepest apologies to all of you for ever having made any comments
about SUV's, among other things on this list. 

Love, Nancy

P.S. >>>>rash judgments about you as a slacker musician driving an old car.
(My point there isn't that you are a slacker musician - my point is,
stereotypes aren't always true)

That's a good one.  Just like Nicholas Cage said about his gooney jacket he
wore in Wild At Heart, I do PERSONALLY think that some things we select for
ourselves do reflect our individuality. Again, SO WHAT???? 

The term slacker musician seems odd though, since all the musicians I know
work harder than anyone. No point in touching that one tho......


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