> and are far from able to handle rough terrain, especially
>  when driven by a certified moron of a soccor mom with a car phone in one
>  hand and a mascara pen in the other, 

  Just to be fair Matt, most of the SUV idiots I encounter are certified moron
soccer dads <g>.  I'll admit to liking 'em, and I have been dang tempted to
get one.   As someone who actually has to work at least a few weekends year on
our farm, I would have at least some amount of cover in doing so, as you can't
get around our farm very well (or even to it) w/out serious 4-wheel drive.
   But it has gotten just out of hand; here in St; Louis recently, I was
driving right through *the* ritziest part of town right 7:30am, a a part of
town where you cannot live unless you're hauling down serious serious bucks
(Warson Rd for those interested, where I hear the Loui and Wendland estates
are (;-)), and it was amazing to see all these solo-driven, starch-shirt SUV's
being driven by all the docs and lawyers and execs who were heading either 5
miles to downtown Clayton or 15 or so to downtown St. Louis, all on generally
pretty smooth pavement <g>.  Like Neal said, the one great unjustifiable is
the admissions standards, which are way below those required for cars.  If
they'd just fix those that would take a lot of the heat off.
      But like I said, I'm not on a high horse, I'm the only guy in my whole
family who doesn't drive one, and my dad's the only one who even can justify

future moron soccer dad....

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