This House bill concerning internet access concerns us all on P2, 
lord knows....  It's a good moment to use email to write your 
Representatives and inveigh against this bill.  More dangerous than 
SUVs and definitely a detriment to all things P2!!

Power to the twang people,

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
This greedy attempt to make money unrelated to the cost of doing 
business will have the additional effect of stemming the free-flow of 
information. The university will feel the need to restrict internet 
access because of the added costs and those of us who occasionally 
dial in from home will either hesitate or pay. Student access will 
also be restricted and we shouldn't be surprised if the additional 
costs are reflected in fee increases or access charges.  Please read 
and respond as you see fit. Jane

Date rec'd: Monday, March 08, 1999 6:11 PM

>To all E-mailers
The House has a bill set up for a vote ASAP on whether to charge long
distance charges for Internet access even if you dial-up locally. This is
something that affects each of us.  Please read and forward: Congress will
be voting in less than two weeks.  CNN stated that the Government would, in
two weeks time, decide to allow or not allow a charge to your phone bill
equal to a Long Distance call EACH time you access the Internet.
The address is If you choose, visit the
address above and fill out the necessary form!  If EACH one of us, forwards
this message on to others in a hurry, we may be able to prevent this
injustice from happening!  And don't forget your congress-persons!
There is power in numbers, folks!

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