On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Jon Weisberger wrote:

> As far as songs about Hank Williams go, it seems to me that 1) someone put
> out a collection that was in whole or in part songs about Hank, mostly from
> the olden days, and/or 2) someone subjected a group of such songs to
> analysis in an article or as part of a book.  Damn this CRS, anyhow; maybe
> if the Bombmeister can drag himself away from the dives of Seattle long
> enough to take a look at the list he can help out here.
There's a Bear Family CD that's split between Hank songs recorded by
others that Hank himself never recorded and tribute songs to Hank that
were recorded shortly after his death. Can't recall the name of it
offhand.  And yeah, I also remember that article, but damned if I can
remember where -- could've been that dubious South Atlantic Quarterly
essay series.  I'll see if I can't dig it up later tonight when I'm at

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