At 10:24 AM 1/19/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Mr. Wall wrote:
>>   If you get an envelope from a company called the Internal Revenue
>>  DO NOT OPEN IT!  >>
>If we took this advice, Mr. Wall would be out of a job.

And that's a bad thing? Do you know exactly what I do for the Navy? I work
on WEAPONS SYSTEMS. I have the keys that make them go bang. Not that I
really need the keys because a halfway decent tech can jumper out any
safety switch with two alligator clips and a piece of wire. I own all the
missles on the ship. All the guns too. Anything from from 9mm to 5 inch.

ANd I'm fucking nuts.

Feel better about your tax money?

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
727 Alder Circle - Va Beach, Va - 23462 -(757) 467-3764

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