On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Dave Purcell wrote:
> I'll third that emotion. So far, I'm digging the record, but it's not 
> inspiring me to play it, oh, 42 times a day like new Earle releases 
> typically do. The playing and singing on it are great, but I miss the 
> adventuresome nature of his other records, and some of the songs 
> sound a little forced, like he was trying too hard to write  bluegrass 
> classics. 

Really?  Really?  You don't find either _Train A' Comin_ nor
_The Mountain_ adverturesome?  Wow, I find both of them to be much more
interesting and diverse both lyrically and stylistically than his electric

Frankly, I'd prefer to never see Steve with an electric instrument or
electric band ever again.  Both _Train & Mnt._ are desert island discs
for me while I'd be willing to lose all of his others sans _Guitar Town_.

Man-oh-man, I think Steve would have to make an entire album of ELP/ELO
covers to be more *out* there than the gamut of songs he included on
_Train A' Comin_.

NPIMH: Karn Evil #9 - as covered by Steve Earle <g>


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