The best is the simplest.  Avocado has a really delicate flavor and light
piquance all its own, too often masqued by way to much salsa-like stuff.  Not
to boast, but people rave, so try this. . .it's a bit different. . .

Leave avocados on a south-facing windowsill until they're pretty mushy
Mash them with a fork

For each avocado, add
1/4 tsp lemon juice, an extra 1/4 tsp  to the whole thing for the heckuvit
1/8 tsp Lawry's season salt per avocado
1/2  to 1 tsp minced onion
Then cut up a firm, fresh tomato into the whole thing.  Cut it up small

that's it

I like blue corn chips with it.


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