Larry Slavens wrote:

> My only regret
> was that I hadn't dragged a dozen people with me to the show;
> they deserved to
> play in front of more than the 60 folks who showed up.

When they played in Chicago last weekend, they got to:

1- open for, and play with, Don Walser

2- play for about fifty minutes to a very appreciative
audience of several hundred that called them back for an

3- sell a pile of their cd's in the lobby after their set

Elana Fremerman was having recurring tuning problems with
her fiddle, and Whit Smith commented sadly that it only
happened "when we're playing to a nice crowd that's actually
listening to us."

And by the way, Linda Ray's review of the Chicago show is
over here:,1259,2500062,00.html

On the other hand, this person, who posted a differing
opinion to Amazon, could have a bright future as a rock

> A music fan from california , September 6, 1998  (ONE STAR)
> this album should not have hot or club in the title. 
> This album has a deceptive title. It is neither hot nor club sounds. The music sounds
> like re-recorded old bluegrass that your great grandparents might have listened to.
> Nothing too snappy in this group to get you pumped up. 

Tom Mohr
at the office: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
at the home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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