>The Hot Club of Cowtown are doing Happy Hour at the Continental 
on wednesday
>at 6:30PM. I saw them last night and they were amazing. lots of 
new tunes and
>tight as a tick.

I saw them a week ago, not knowing anything about them other 
than the bit of buzz
they've gotten here, and was very impressed.  Okay, I've had a 
fondness for Bob 
Wills-type stuff for years so I had a feeling I'd like them, but I was 
also skeptical
about a three-piece carrying off the material.  For the most part, I 
didn't miss all
those extra musicians a bit-- well, there was a couple times I 
thought a little steel
would be nice-- but if the show had been in a less-formal venue I'd 
have chomped 
a cigar and let loose with many an "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh."  
My only regret
was that I hadn't dragged a dozen people with me to the show; 
they deserved to
play in front of more than the 60 folks who showed up. 

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