Hey All-I am long time lurker on this list, and I was hoping that you guys
could help me out. I am taking a Stat class and have to do a project. All I
need you to do is fill out the survey below and send it back to me. To
answer the questions you can either put an X under the answer that applies,
or just delete the answers that don't apply.  After you have filled out the
survey just send it back to me at this address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you for your help. Aaron Stoker

Smoking Survey

Age:                    Sex:    Male       Female

Circle the category that best describes your current smoking status:

 Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker

If you answered smoker or former smoker, please answer questions in section
B.  If you answered Non-smoker, please answer questions in section C.

Section B:(For Smokers and Former Smokers)
At what age did you start smoking?

At the time that you started smoking, please circle the category that best
describes the smoking status of your primary care givers.  

Father or Father figure:         Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
Not Applicable

Mother or Mother figure: Smoker         Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
Not Applicable

Did your parents discourage or encourage you to smoke?          Encourage

Were you allowed to smoke in the house?                 Yes             No

Were you punished if you were caught smoking?                   Yes

Did your parents give you cigarettes?                           Yes

Did your parents give you money for cigarettes?                 Yes

Section C:(For Non-Smokers Only)
Please circle the category that best describes the current smoking status of
your primary care givers.

Father or Father figure:         Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
Not Applicable

Mother or Mother figure: Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker      Not

Did your parents discourage or encourage you to smoke?
Encourage       Discourage

If either of your primary care givers are former smokers, please list the
age you were when they quit smoking. 

Father or Father figure:                        Mother or Mother figure:

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