> From: Stoker, Aaron M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Help With A Class
> Date: Saturday, March 13, 1999 6:21 PM
> Hey All-I am long time lurker on this list, and I was hoping that you
> could help me out. I am taking a Stat class and have to do a project. All
> need you to do is fill out the survey below and send it back to me. To
> answer the questions you can either put an X under the answer that
> or just delete the answers that don't apply.  After you have filled out
> survey just send it back to me at this address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thank you for your help. Aaron Stoker
> Smoking Survey
> Age:                  Sex:    Male       Female
> Circle the category that best describes your current smoking status:
>  Smoker       Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
> If you answered smoker or former smoker, please answer questions in
> B.  If you answered Non-smoker, please answer questions in section C.
> Section B:(For Smokers and Former Smokers)
> At what age did you start smoking?
> At the time that you started smoking, please circle the category that
> describes the smoking status of your primary care givers.  
> Father or Father figure:       Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
> Not Applicable
> Mother or Mother figure: Smoker       Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
> Not Applicable
> Did your parents discourage or encourage you to smoke?                Encourage
> Discourage
> Were you allowed to smoke in the house?                       Yes             No
> Were you punished if you were caught smoking?                 Yes
> No
> Did your parents give you cigarettes?                         Yes
> No
> Did your parents give you money for cigarettes?                       Yes
> No
> Section C:(For Non-Smokers Only)
> Please circle the category that best describes the current smoking status
> your primary care givers.
> Father or Father figure:       Smoker Former Smoker           Non-Smoker
> Not Applicable
> Mother or Mother figure: Smoker       Former Smoker           Non-Smoker      Not
> Applicable
> Did your parents discourage or encourage you to smoke?
> Encourage     Discourage
> If either of your primary care givers are former smokers, please list the
> age you were when they quit smoking. 
> Father or Father figure:                      Mother or Mother figure:

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