This is the final SXSW update that I'll be giving, since I'm leaving for
Austin bright and early tomorrow AM. Apologies to anyone I've left off this
or previous lists. These are the lucky P2 attendees:

Marie Arsenault
Austin Motel

Junior Barnard
I'm sure Junior mentioned where he's staying, but I fergit

Doug Baxter and his wife, Christine
Town Lake Holiday Inn (I managed to pry this info out of Doug)

Dan Bentele
Austin Motel

Rusty Berther (upping the Australian P2 quotient to 2)
accomodations ???

Sophie Best
staying at Smilin' Jim's

Jim Catalano
HomeGate Suites

Jim Cox
staying in some generic apartment he rented

John Flippo
Austin Motel

Richard Flohil
staying at Erica Wissolik's

Randi Fratkin
staying at Erica Wissolik's

Ms. Wynn Harris
staying at HER dad's

Joyce Homan
staying at a friend's house across from the Austin Motel

Chris Knaus & Meshel Watkins
Austin Motel

Jake London
Austin Motel

Barry Mazor
Omni Hotel

Alex Millar
Austin Motel, room 152

Linda Ray
accomodations to be determined

Tony Renner
HomeGate Suites

Jim Roll and Laura Eckenrod
staying at a friend's house

Bill Silvers
Austin Motel

Deb "Numbers" Sommers
staying somewhere, I'm sure

Tiffany Suiters, Kim Di Pietro
HomeGate Suites

Jamie Swedberg
Austin Motel

Stacey Taylor
Austin Motel

Jeff Weiss & Corrie Gregory

Neal Weiss & Colleen Morrissey
Austin Motel

Sarah Wrightson and Vince Bell
who I'm mortified to have left off both previous lists

Don Yates & Deborah Malarek
staying at Laura Fowler's

me and  my husband Eric
Austin Motel

and of course, the Austinites:

Jim Caligiuri
Jayne Cravens
Cherilyn DiMond
Jim Fagan
Laura Fowler
Jerald Corder
Chad Hamilton
Lurker Cory Horan
Slim Kelly
Erika Wissolik

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Steve Kirsch will not be attending. We'll
miss him.

See y'all in Austin. We'll raise a Shiner Bock or three to absent P2 friends.

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