At 01:01 AM 3/16/1999 Matt wrote:

>Here's the deal.
>I'm shooting a commercial in Nac. tommorow, so I can check my mail (I
>own no Austin computer).
>I'll be in Austin for SXSW.
>I'd like to go to the parties, etc.
>But I don't have a clue where they are.  I'd like to meet all you guys
>(again, probably).
>Someone help me out.
>--Matt Cook

Hey Matt,
We've never met, face to face anyway, and I know there's other P2ers in the
same boat who regret not meeting you. Why not just make it easy on us all
and show up for Cherilyn's party and get it over with?


n.p. Foster & Lloyd FASTER AND LLOUDER
"The truth ain't always what we need, sometimes we need to hear a beautiful
lie." -Bill Lloyd

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