---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 12:45:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerry Curry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [twangfest] Fwd: [loud-fans] The Razzies!

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ph. Barnard wrote:

> Oh yeah, Jerry, I was just giving Bill some guff.  I *like* the Loud 
> Family.
> So remind me, is that a *new* Clevenger album you're talking about?  
> And if so, am I just behind on things or where can I get a copy?

Indeed it is a new Clevenger album.  I bleieve the release date has
just passed.  Again, it's on Permanent Press Recordings.  The name of
the new album is: Love Songs to Myself.

I personally think it is even stronger than _Man With the X-Ray Eyes_ as
Walter & the band begin to find/develop their own voice.  A wide variety
of pop all over this album again, a bit of Lowe, some Holly, etc....

Wonderful material, just wonderful.  I've been a big Walter Clevenger
(Hi, Walter, if you still lurk on P2) fan for awhile.  As a matter of fact
his previous release made my Best of 1997 list.  This one will likely make
my Best of 1999 list.

Here is a quote from his WWW site (walterclevenger.com; although you will
be redirected to the current WWW site)

"There's a mood of Sun-Records-shining-over-Liverpool to most
of the material.The results often recall Nick Lowe
and Marshall Crenshaw, two of the most gifted
employers of the roots/Beatles synthesis." 
Mike Boehm, The Los Angeles Times 

And Walter...if you are lurking, please come to Oregon and play.  I'd love
to book you in our humble little room.


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