Jeez, you guys are making me feel....well, I dunno what.  I lived in
Cincinnati in the early 80s, and the X would have been no less foreign to me
then than it is now <g>.  Dave and I have talked about this from time to
time, and considering how much time we've spent playing music in the same
town during the same years, it's absolutely startling how few musicians we
both know - in fact, the list starts to thin out after the first name.  What
I was listening to then radio-wise was Ted Redington's bluegrass show and
WUBE; where I was working was at the four Ground Round restaurants that were
booking bluegrass every weekend back then (made for a nice little circuit).
One town; two different kinds of music - and the twain just didn't meet very
much, I guess.  It's a lot easier to overestimate the degree of commonality
of different musical communities on a day-to-day basis than it is to
underestimate it.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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