
One more quick post then it's off to bed for me.

I found out this morning that I'll likely conducting a live in-studio
performance and interview with the Freight Hoppers on January 23. So, does
anybody have any questions that they'd like asked? Or, will the Hoppers be
forced to put up only with my own measly thoughts?

Of course, if you have a question for Rob Russell and the Bystanders, feel
free to forward that to me as well. (Off list, please; let's keep Rob in the
dark until the last possible moment <g>).

I am busy concocting a list of accordion-related questions for Mark Wyatt in
anticipation of his studio visit on Feb. 11. (You guys are still dropping by
aren't you? I am actively lobbying to host during your segment.)

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: nothing............

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