>From the Twang Gang to all you P2ers out there:

We're calling on any or all LAWYERS on P2!!!  We need your advice on 
setting up our bank account so that none of the individual Twangfest 
committee members has the account on his or her social security 

All of the money we get from your ticket purchases and from our 
generous sponsors goes directly into the event and to the bands that 
perform there.  But we need to set up the festival account so that 
none of us has to worry about potential tax liability.

We understand that there are several options for setting up this 
account.  In order to choose between them and be sure we're doing 
this correctly, however, we would greatly appreciate informed advice 
and help from any of you P2 or P2-related legal eagles out there....

In return for your services, we can offer you lucrative perks like 
a comp for this year's festival, an official Twangfest '99 Tshirt 
(wait 'till you see our designs this year!) and a seat in the 
luxurious Off Broadway corporate suites.  We may even buy you a
round or two!

So help!!!  And thanks!!!  Please reply offlist to Junior Barnard at

--your Twang Gang

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