>From Bluegrass-L

very sad.

I am very sad to inform you that Charles Sawtelle died Saturday night at
Pacific Time. He had been in Intensive Care for the last month at City
of Hope
Hospital in Duarte, California. His liver and kidneys finally couldn't
the stress of all the medication and graft vs. host disease, a result of
bone marrow transplant of two years ago. He had been unconscious for
three weeks, with family and dear friends there to help any way they
could. In
the last few days he had been declining, and it was understood that he
wouldn't last long.

I don't know any further details at this point, such as funeral or
arrangements, but will post them as I know them.

It's hard to put into words the loss I feel. Charles was much more than
great musician. He was a dear friend to many, he was an inspiration and
mentor, he was funny and a good guy to be around, and he did a great job

living with dignity in the face of complicated and debilitating illness,

starting with the leukemia five years ago. A very generous person, a
unique person. It has been amazing to see the level of care and concern
expressed by so many people for him. He touched a lot of people, and he
continue to touch us even now that he's gone. Rest in peace Charles my

Pete Wernick

Stick-I need to play some Hot Rize

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