At 11:01 AM -0500  on 3/21/99, Stick wrote:

>>From Bluegrass-L
>very sad.
>I am very sad to inform you that Charles Sawtelle died Saturday night at
>8pm Pacific Time.

Indeed. Last night I saw Peter Rowan and Tony Rice with a couple other
semi-P2ers; at the beginning Rowan dedicated the set to Sawtelle, and
received an appreciative, small hand. After the encore, the MC, from a
local college station, came out and announced that it was an
appropriate dedication because he'd just received word that Sawtelle
had just been taken off life support. I hope Rowan and Rice didn't find
out by overhearing that. An unfortunate end to the evening, and
unfortunately handled to boot.

(The night only went downhill from there, as we learned this morning
that when some guy bumped into Tracy last night, he got her wallet.)


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