Avant Twang Gang:

Caught David Grubbs solo at the Knitting Factory on Saturday night.
He played some new material including an overture of a piece
he has based on Steven Crane's The Blue Hotel. He said
Thrill Jockey is releasing it soon, though its available on Rectagle
via import. Any of the other avant twang gang heard this yet?

Overall, I thought it was a good show for David, but I think the
sound man was either deaf or insane. David had CD-R's of
drones and other electroacoustics he played with,
but they were way too far over the top of his picking.
But since I was close to the stage, i got a pretty good sense
of what he was doing on the guitar. His playing seems much sharper
now than whn I saw him in 96. His showmanship has improved as well.
But he's still my favorite twangified art geek.

Dan Rigney

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