At 08:13 PM 3/27/99 EST, you wrote:
the posterity books.  An
>old girlfriend called me late one Sunday night and asked if I could drive out
>to see her. I was not keen on the idea (50 miles away, lived with her
>who were BTW cooler than her), but she begged and pleaded and convinced me.
>Well, I get there, and as I go into the basement, there is a whole band set
>up, and who is playing lead guitar but blues great Albert Collins (friend of
>her parents).  She said that she wanted to suprise me, so I sat in on bass
>until the wee hours of the morning.

Man, I wish I had an ex-girlfriend who was that cool. Or had parents that
were that cool. If any of my ex's were to call me up to ask to meet, I
would be running like hell in the other direction. 

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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