>Vol 21, Number 18, March 26-April 1. It's part of a special music issue
>also includes a great story on the rise and fall of one-time local buzz
>Mary's Danish. Actually, it's some of the best music journalism that
>done in some time.


So, what DID ever happen to the Danish, Neal? I remember them becoming an
unfocused mess within a couple of years of forming, but early on they sure
seemed like a solid blend of X and Thelonious Monster (and torch-bearers for
both). As I recall, the blonde singer in the band--Gretchen Seager?--started
a band called Battery Acid. I'm going to assume they went nowhere fast.
However, what about the--hubba hubba--brunette, Julie Ritter?  During MD she
spent a lot of her time trading insults with Bob Forrest (Her "you Beat Up"
for his "Politically Correct Song For a Girl From the Valley," for

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