At 02:24 PM 3/31/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Junior writes:
>>Ain't it the truth.  It's weird how they do *so* much better, from a 
>>quality standpoint.  What explains this?   Do they simply get less 
>>industry pressure on the voters, or what, etc.
>     I suspect that there's an element of this.  I remember reading an
>article last year about some Nashville push that was going on in
>Australia.  The article mentioned that a similar push a few years earlier
>had resulted in the label executives who had gone over being told that
>Australians didn't want their pretty boy hat acts and that they shouldn't
>let the door hit their asses on the way out.  It was a bit of a wakeup
>call to Nashville executives, apparently.

While my sampling might not represent Australia as a whole, the taste of my
Australian customers excluding Sophie Best and Steve Reid, is much more
mainstream country leaning than any other country we sell to. What's the
female equivalent of a hat act... a hair act? Well, we sell lots of that
stuff to Aussies.


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