In a message dated 1/21/99 2:30:04 AM Central Standard Time,

<< It happened twice in a couple of years for Radney´s old Foster & Lloyd 
 partner, Bill Lloyd, when first RCA decided not to release the Sky Kings CD. 
 Then they recorded a new one for Warner, but it was to no use ´cause Warner 
 dropped them as well before the CD saw the light of day.  >>

I waited for that Sky kings CD as well. There was a band of songwriters who
released an albumunder the name "Billy Hill", which was a great. They
supposedly recorded a second album which was never released. I have a couple
of promo CD singles that were from that disc, and they were really good songs
as well. Matraca Berg recorded an album for RCA called "Bittersweet
Surrender", which they never released. I got a cassete copy of it, and while
it was not as good as "Lying To The Moon", it was better than a lot of stuff
that was released. 

Major labels. Sheesh.

Slim - off to the thorazine mines!

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