At 02:43 PM 1/22/99 -0600, Bob wrote:
>On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Tom Smith wrote:
>> radio.  Furthermore, they don't drink much, which has led to 
>> the scene being half the size it was 5 years ago (clubowners 
>> are going to put up with that low profit margin for only so 
>> long).
>This isn't just line dancers, though. Johnny D's in Boston has swing
>dancing on Sunday and Monday nights (and had Cajun dancing on Monday
>nights for years) and charged a pretty high cover because most of both of
>those crowds drink only water.

Yes -- drinking and dancing don't mix very well.  (My observations 
have been that after 2 beers a person is a dance floor hazard.  I
think that's why most dancers seem to stick to non-alcoholic drinks.)  
So if they are offering dancing at the clubs they need to plan on 
making their profit some other way, such as cover charges or higher 
drink prices (including for water) or whatever works.


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