Jon Weisberger writes:

>I have an H&J album out on loan, so I can't check, but if I remember
>correctly, the title is "Cornfucius Say," and the cover photo is them 
>in "Chinese" outfits, eating corn flakes with chopsticks - and the corn 
>flakes box is a Kellogg's one.  Anyway, it seems virtually impossible
>the minds that came up with "Cornfucius" could have overlooked

     I have a book at home (a birthday gift a couple of months back from
my brother) that collects pictures of cereal boxes and cereal prizes from
the '60s.  There are one or two pictures in the book of H&J's appearances
on Kellog's cereal boxes.  I'm up in New Hampshire as I write this but I
can follow up on this when I get back home if anyone's really that
                                                --Jon Johnson
                                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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