On Mon, 05 Apr 1999 16:45:13 -0700 Cheryl Cline 

> After that, you get Kieran Kane and Jamie O'Hara (of the 
> O'Kanes, remember them?), producer John Starling, 'one of 
> today's  most respected bluegrass performers' Del McCoury 
> (who?) and some other folks whose names I'll forget the 
> millisecond I stop typing them."
> Ha! Ha! What a card.
> (This quote is only incidental to the topic of my screed. I'm after bigger
> fish to shoot.)

You go Cheryl. It's not the ignorance here that really 
steams me, but the haughty dismissals, the refusal to
do even the most basic research into the subject matter. 
The McCoury statement needs no further comment, but to 
mislabel/trash my man John Starling -- that really gets my 
hackles up.

This over the wall since I'm unsubbing for a few days for 
various reasons, but I'd sure like to read your screed when 
I get back.

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

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