Dave continues...

>>      (fluff/nitpickery warning)
>>      Dave P: As a fan of Ms. Hockeysticks's coinage, Steve Earle is her 
>>      "future former husband," not former future husband (which would 
>>      signify a waning interest or a broken engagement...)
>Now that I'm thinking about it, Ms. H used it in regard to her former 
>interest in Mr. Earle (using NY Times style here), as it Earle is her 
>"former future husband" replaced by "current future husband" Jay 
>Farrar (or was it Jeff Wall?).

Given Mr. Earle's marital record, he should probably be referred to as
Amy's future former husband, if she's still interested, and former future
former husband, if she's thrown him over. 

--Cheryl Cline

"TEATRO isn't the demented freakfest of 'My Uncle Used to Love Me, But She
Died,' but it is a work of subtle songcraft and blazing originality." --
Kembrew McLeod, in Addicted to Noise.

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