Richard writes:>> Jon Dee Graham, Kevn Kinney and Terri Hendrix live at an
Irish pub in the French Quarter during last year's LMNOP Conference in New
Orleans and found myself strangely unmoved by all three

Can't speak about Kinney, but Graham and Hendrix are Austinites that I'm
familiar with. Jon Dee can have his off nights and I can understand how his
vocals might seem a bit gruff to the uninitiated. His records and songs are
wonderful, his vocals might take some getting used to. Hendrix is another
thing altogether. Her brand of bland folk-pop has attracted quite a
following locally. I've seen her perform a few times and wondered what I
was missing, especially since everyone around me seemed starry eyed in her
presence and just a little overenthusiastic about what was happening on
stage. Then just gave up as she "wasn't my cup of tea." Strangely this is
the same reaction I had with Shawn Colvin and D*r Willi*ms, the first
couple of times I saw them. Not an unfair comparison, IMO.
Jim, smilin'

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