I'm delighted that Jesse Winchester is doing another album...must have some
good songs done by now!
        As many of you know, Stony Plain has the rights to the Bearsville
catalogue, and all seven albums from that fetile period remain in the
catalogue. And, hey, if Sugar Hill has Jerry Douglas with Jesse, Stony
Plain's got Amos Garrett with Jesse...
        Jesse HATES performing live, gives interviews reluctantly (but has
been very good in supporting the Stony Plain releases - oh, yes, did I say
I do publicity for Stony Plain?)...Jesse also gave the late John Bauldie of
Mojo what Bauldie later described as "the worst interview I've ever done on
the phone" but it made a nice whatever-happened-to article.
        Congrats to Barry Poss and the Sugar Hill gang for getting the man
to make another one. Now, if they can get him to tour, I want to do the
Toronto date!



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