At 12:34 PM -0500  on 4/9/99, Meshel wrote:

>caught the show in Nashville a couple of nights ago, and they were great.
>I do miss Guy as the frontman, but Whammo has some new songs, and the best
>part is that they give Stan the clarinet player front stage for about 4
>songs now, and it's just amazing.  Still funny, new slide guitar player
>from France that needs to  play louder but that seems to fit in well.  And
>Christina's voice is as good as it ever was!!

I chatted with Wammo briefly last night (hey, it isn't John Doe on the
phone, but you take what you can get <g>) and he said a second solo CD
is in the works, but he's waiting for Mercury to drop him so he can
shop it around. I didn't mention it, but it struck me as ironic that
one of the few acts that wants to be dropped hasn't been.


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