At 1:12 PM -0400  on 4/9/99, Chad Cosper wrote:

>They are also scheduled to close out this year's Kerrville F*lk Festival on
>Sunday June 13...
>the line up for that evening:
>                                         Kimberly M'Carver (Houston, TX)
>                                         Lowen & Navarro (Los Angeles, CA)
>                                         Anne Hills (Bethlehem, PA)
>                                         James Keelaghan (Calgary, Canada)
>                                         Carrie Newcomer (Bloomington, IN)
>                                         Mickey Newbury (Springfield, OR)
>                                         Asylum Street Spankers (Austin, TX)

There is no way Mickey Newbury is opening for that list, is there? This
is just a six-line typo, right? One of the *real* best living
songwriters in America, who does maybe 10 shows a year, and he's second
on (except for the Spankers) an otherwise motley list of seven. I hope
it's at Newbury's request and not the Kerrville organization's idea of
the way things should be.


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