Hey, Don, since you're the listmeister, I thought I'd direct this little
complaint your way... That pesky Terry Smith has been sticking all kinds of
non-twang-related stuff in PS's to his ostensibly twang posts; he's been
doing it for years, and I'm sick and tired of it.  I think you oughta drop
him a note at least, but it would probably be better to just unsub him from
the list, let him stew for a while in that little backwater excuse for a
"town" he's in, over there on the wrong side of the river, and don't let him
back on until he can pass the Shania Twain Trivia Test.

And for God's sake, don't let anyone get wind of this note, or my goose will
be cooked; I know what kinds of thugs he has for "friends."


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