Please don't misunderstand my ranting about radio- I appreciate Mike
Hays and everybody else here who does good radio. Some local radio still
can make a difference, thank God. I'm speaking generically about
corporate numbthink radio as it exists for the most part these days. 

We actually have a building here in Austin which houses a bunch of
little DJ studios with the whole setup and a DAT machine, and there are
a whole bunch of DJs in there taping radio shows to be sent out to a
whole bunch of radio stations all over the country. They try to simulate
the sound of a live DJ who is actually in that town, so they say things
like "we're having a great day here in Lompoc" and horrible lame
horseshit like that.

Can it get any worse than this? Every time I think it has hit rock
bottom, somebody comes up with a big drill and takes us farther toward
Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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