In a message dated 4/13/1999 2:39:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> A Bear Family one-disc job, or a box set?  The one-discs I do buy and
>  enjoy, but obviously the box sets are a bit much for most people....

Junior, here's what was in the NYT interview back in March.  I've got the 
whole article, I can send it off list if you'd like. K.

>>  M R. WEIZE supervises every track that goes onto one of these behemoths: 
        "I listen to everything three times, first when I record it, next 
when I 
        master it and then about six months after it comes out, when I can 
        finally stand to hear it again." He tends to select projects he's 
        enthusiastic about himself, patiently waiting for permission to do 
        keeping things on the back burner for years if necessary. 
        "I'd love to do Buddy Holly, but that may be just a dream," he said. 
        "However, I had been turned down many times on Ricky Nelson, and 
        suddenly we were just given permission." <<

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