On Tue, 13 Apr 99 14:40:00 PDT John Kinnamon 

> I have one I enjoy.  Bright Lights & Country Fever (I think that's it)
> combines two of his albums on  one CD and it's a hell of a good
> listen.  Good enough, in fact, that I'm anxious to hear the responses
> to this inquiry so I can pick up another one.

I have Garden Party on vinyl so I'm kinda partial to that 
'un. It's relatively easy to find in the used bins -- watch 
out for scratchy ones though, it seems to have been quite a 
party album in its day -- and I don't mean garden parties!

BTW -- It's weird how topics on this list echo stuff I've 
been thinking about, like, yesterday. Namely: Did they ever 
determine whether the plane crash was definitely caused by 
free-basing? Or was the cause something unrelated? C'mon, I 
gotta know...

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

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