Just came from a strategic planning meeting with the DBTs <g> and I will 
again be handling radio and press requests for the CD.

I can probably make a list of most of you off the top of my head but I didn't 
do a good job of saving addresses.  So, offlist, would you send me names and 
addresses -- radio station and press affiliation and I will begin putting 
them in the mail. (Incidentally, the cover isn't near as gawd awful as 
"Ganstabilly"  -- still tacky but it's not something you have to hide this 

I will be in Nashville Thursday through Sunday noon and will have my laptop.  
I've got a 5th row center date with Neil Young Thursday night but will be out 
and about the rest of the time.

It's Tin Pan Alley weekend so I hope to see a lot of you.

Deb Sommer
P.S. Steve (VA or NC?) and Carl (Pittsburgh) -- I know you both gave me 
addresses but if you could send them again -- I'd appreciate it.

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