This actually just happened, one of those "Life and Times" deals, and 
I'm sorry I didn't check the dang site and memo P2 on it (i 
missed the first 15 minutes of it myself).   As is typical with those damn 
pseudo-documentaries, there was far too much damned talking and far too 
little actual showing of just why these folks are so special (that is, the 
narration was nonstop, even over Ralph and Co. singing short but stellar 
accapella gospel numbers-ack!).

      Anyway, quick question; at one point in the show Marty Stuart said 
something about neither of the Stanley Bros being in the Country Music Hall 
of Fame (or the Songwriters Hall of Fame)?  True?

    Hope not.  If so, Weisberger, you got work to do....<g>

Dan Stanley, the no-good, no-talent Clinch Mountain Boy......

p.s.  oh, and check out this killer quote from the show <g>;

      "To be honest with you...Dad didn't even really know who he was." 
(Ralph Stanley II, re his dad's duet with Bob Dylan)

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