Anyone know any sleezy or even not so sleezy tabloids that may want to pay me 
large amounts of money for unpublished Elvis photos, skinny early pre-army 
with lots of hair and a rope belt to boot? He is greeting fans at Graceland 
(who are on the other side of the fence). These negatives, believe it or not, 
were aquired by me when a neighbor passed away, and they have never been 
published. The former neighbor was close with Elvis's mother and a family 
friend, and they are taken inside the grounds of Graceland. Several very very 
close ups.  I have several more rools of film I am trying to find someone to 
develope, so there could be even more.

The only reason why I ask is that I have been offered suich a ridiculously 
large amount of dough for them from a California collector, (which I may need 
to consider) but because of that I thought I would do some research.

It sure would be cool if Elvis could help this gal finance my next record.

Any help, ideas, etc, please contact me off the list........


Nancy (with a big-ass pelvic hip swang) ..... any gonna color my hair black!

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