>The basic problem stems from the punk era. Up until the late 80s at
>least UK music reporting was dominated by two weekly papers, Melody
>Maker and New Musical Express (the 'inkies' as they're known as
>against the 'glossies' or monthly music magazines).
>Both they, and the UK music industry as a whole, were late in
>catching on to punk and they have vowed never again to be caught
>out like that. So their subsequent history has been the endless
>frenzied search for The Next Big Thing, which means they're open to
>any record company hype. The apotheosis of this (I wish I could say
>it was the nadir but there's probably a lot worse to come) was
>Britpop. If you thought Oasis were crap (and they do have a couple
>of good tunes) you should see some of the other absolute garbage
>they've tried to foist on us. They have, however, been found out
>and their circulations are plummeting, (while those of the glossies
>are rising) which of course only encourages even more desperate
>searching for the next 'movement' they can hitch themselves to.
>There are many reasons why I thank God (or at least would do so in
>more than a metaphorical sense if I believed in Her) I like country
>music. Being completely ignored as a result by all the mainstream
>media in the UK is one of them. Just think how good country might
>be in the US if it wasn't just so damned *popular*. 
>Iain Noble 
>Hound Dog Research, Survey and Social Research Consultancy, 
>28A Collegiate Crescent Sheffield S10 2BA UK
>Phone/fax: (+44) (0)114 267 1394 email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for the background Iain...  Interesting how this industry is so
darned transparent across the board?  We've got pretty much the same
scenario here but with just a couple of different twists to the plot thrown

Thank god for the grass roots movements...



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