At 03:36 PM 4/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I confess to not being able to follow the thread much, so never mind if
>I'm off base. Just pickin those nits.....

Ah, not a problem...
>As for singles, there is a pretty good book (by David Marsh?) of best
>singles (rock and pop) and it is a -of course completely subjective
>listing of great singles and why. A good read, inspires you to go back
>and listen to say "Ticket To Ride" again...

That sounds like a good one...  I like Marsh to boot for the most part...
'Ceptin maybe for "Glory Days"...  He was officially on the Springsteen
payroll aside from the book commision, yes?  No slam on Bruce
>Singles generally conjure up time and place, particulary summer singles,
>so of course to pick the best means to pull together not just perfect
>musical moments, but personal moments as well and combine em for a swell
>experience. "It's So Nice To Be With You" qualifies for me, tho the song
>ain't so hot. I still can't hear it without hearing the crackling sounds
>of the 45 we had. But you're all talking punk and new wave singles,
>ain't ya?  Lords of the New Church: Open Your Eyes, 1983.

No, you're right on the money on that one...  Please don't kill me folks,
but going with what you were saying Matt, I vividly recall hearing
"Stone(d) in Love" by Journey one particular summer.  Great summer and I
guess I just associate it in a "Wonder Years" type reverie...  I remember
destroying my Apple 45 of "Hey Jude" backed by "Revolution" (if I recall)
from far too many plays...  Another song I associate with summer...or Steve
Earle's "I Feel Alright", it was all over a Boston station at the time and
I picked up the record the night before my wife delivered...The song just
brings me back... 

New wave single:  Talk Talk-It's My Life

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:        Morgan Keating [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent:        Wednesday, April 14, 1999 1:43 PM
>> To:  passenger side
>> Subject:     RE:  the sidemen thread
>> Well, I suppose...but I think the general rule to the voting process
>> was
>> that there really weren't any?  True, a band doesn't fit the
>> desription of
>> "sidemen", but what the hey?  A nod to the godesses...what about
>> sidewomen?
>>  Not sure where you're going with the whole pay issue?  But, I guess
>> it'll
>> be something for the powers that be to decide.  <g>  Either way, 'tis
>> not a
>> big deal, just me 2 cents...
>> morgan
>> At 01:08 PM 4/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> >FOlks counting the Jayhawks, or even the Hawks as sidemen are kinda
>> >missing the albeit very fine point. They're backing bands, more than
>> >they are sidemen, who are folks like Jon W. mentioned, and Glen
>> >Campbell, Leon Russell, Hal Blaine, etc.. folks hired to fill out the
>> >sound of a recording session, not friends of the artist who are part
>> of
>> >a particular scene, like the Jayhawks. They may put their own
>> particular
>> >styles and sound into the recording, and are usually hailed for that
>> by
>> >anal musicians on down the line, who can tell every Burton lick and
>> >Blaine roll <g>. They were hired because they were the whip, the
>> trusted
>> >for hire musicians who can nail the recording and nail it well in a
>> >short amount of time. The Jayhawks probably didn't draw pay from the
>> Joe
>> >Henry session, at least not union scale like a true side musician.
>> Maybe
>> >they were paid in beer, or good vibes, I don't know, but they didn't
>> >walk into the session, hear one pass of the tune and then come up
>> with a
>> >part, I would bet. Not that they could'nt, but I'd wager that a Joe
>> >Henry session with the Jayhawks was a far different scene than Emmons
>> >and Ray Price....
>> >
>> >Matt "hit me with your best shot" Benz 
>> >

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