Well, I was laying in bed last night struggling to fall asleep when it
dawned on me that this would be a good thread to throw out to the list,
given that the '90s are almost over, and people on this listserve seem to 
love making lists.

What are the 5 most criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s?

I know you folks won't let me down. I don't care about genre, although if
you want to list five in each genre you can think of that's cool too. Be
creative. Go year by year if you want. If you've got picks for the 5 most
criminally underappreciated albums of '99 include those too.

A plain list seems fine to me. But if you're inclined, a paragraph
justifying each choice is even better. 

I wonder if there will be much agreement?

take care,


Jake London

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