On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, William F. Silvers wrote:

> Well, there's always a lot more mediocre or worse purveyors of whatever
> form than interesting ones."Retrogressive" or "rip-off" are value-loaded
> expressions, and it seems you don't place much value on this genre.
> I mean, aren't (to name just a few) Paul Burch or Wayne Hancock or Dale
> Watson or the Derailers (or most any bluegrass artist true to that
> genre) "retrogressive" or "rip-offs" by the same token?

Well sure, but Miller was the one using "new and innovative" when he
praised the Posies (the *Posies*, f'r chrissakes!) and slammed an entire
genre of music -- one where you'll find plenty of examples of records that
are a helluva lot more "new and innovative" than anything the
backward-looking Posies ever did.  I was mainly objecting to his
ridiculous dismissal of hip hop as not "new and innovative" and thought
I'd turn the tables on his silly argument.  Besides, how in the hell could
I have something against retro stuff -- I'm the guy in love with Mandy

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