Hey there,

Steve asks for a witness...
>--Eleventh Dream Day--"Beet" --I've inflicted my opinion of this on 
>the list too many times :)...Velvets meets Crazy Horse meets X...Just 
>buy it if you can find it. Gimme a witness, Dave.
I'm not Dave (thank god) but damn, 11DD are soooo good and should be way
way bigger than they are. I'm thinking Rolling Stones big, but would be
happy with at least, oh, Stone Temple Pilots big. All their albums are
fantasic, and their live shows will tear you apart. *sigh* I'll quit
rambling, but if you ever see anything by them, buy it. And if someone
has a copy of Borscht lying around, let me know. (Its remixes of Beet,

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