> --You Am I--"Hi Fi Way"--the second album by these Aussies, where they
> turn down the Stooges, turn up The Jam and get spectacular results.
Next to Afghan Whigs & Curve, THE best concert I saw last year.
The lead singer has a charisma that controls a crowd like none 
I've seen, and the band's energy is palpable.  I kick myself for the 
number of their Seattle shows I've missed, and vow it'll never 
happen again.  Amazing show.  I tend to prefer the third album, 
_Hourly, Daily_ and the 4th, _#4 Record_, to their rawer first 

> Sidewinders--"Auntie Ramos' Pool Hall"--big, loud, 2-guitar roots rock. I
> can't imagine a Scorchers fan not liking this one.
> Steve Kirsch
Another favorite band.  This would be my favorite out of 
their Sidewinders releases.  Underappreciated as well, 
and even more brilliant, was their first release as the 
Sand Rubies (s/t cd).

FYI, Dave Slutes (vocals, guitars) has a release coming 
on Contingency (http://www.contingency.com) with his 
side-project, Maryanne.  10 fine power-pop songs - out 
May 4th, I think.  And Rich Hopkins (guitars) has a bunch 
of stuff in the works for '99 - Luminarios, a Billy Sedlmayr (sp?) 
disc, and some others I can't remember.  Billy co-wrote, or 
wrote, my favorite tracks on the Luminarios discs _El Paso_ 
and _Glorious Sounds of Rich Hopkins & Luminarios_.


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