O.K., just the other day I saw a reference to the original Clem Snide, i.e.
where the band got its name, but now I can't remember what it was. Help!

I'm coming off of a 10-day pledge drive -- my longest night of sleep was 7
hours and that was only because I slept through my 4 a.m. alarm -- so I am

Tony Renner
KDHX St. Louis Community Radio
3504 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63118
314 664-3955
314 664-1010 fax

>>>>Clem Snide - You Were a Diamond - It just came out a few months ago, its
amazing, no one is even reviewing it.<<<<<

it was reviewed in No Depression by yours truly, july/august 1998 issue #16.
i've seen a couple other reviews since then, but i'm also surprised it
spun more people's heads around.

np: 44 Long *inside the horse's head*

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