> Well, in order to reel in this madness, let's focus on rock, instead of pop.
> Who then? Elvis, Dylan or Cash or... ? I still stand by Dylan over Cash
> easily, but there's a good argument to be made that Elvis wins over Dylan.
> After all, he did define the sound, and he gets props for being maybe the
> first punk rocker by virture of swiveling his hips and all. 

Yeah, it seems to me that Dylan falls into the area "shaded" by Elvis'

To me Cash had little or nothing to do with rock music, either as
co-founder or anything else. He was an outlaw, but always within the
context of country. He had pop hits, but they were still overtly country

(Sam Phillips (the Sun owner/producer of Elvis) always maintains that
had it not been for his car wreck on the way to his Ed Sullivan
appearance, Carl Perkins would have been the rock & roll idol king Elvis became.)

Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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