In a message dated 4/19/99 2:32:43 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< The most influential pop musicians of the 20th century are, in order: 
 1) Louis Armstrong
 2) Elvis Presley
 3) James Brown
 4) Bing Crosby
 Armstrong and Crosby loom over the first half of the century the way Elvis
 and JB do the second.  >>

it's a great list, david, but i pick brown (as i did in an earlier post), if 
only because he all but birthed soul, funk, and hip hop--hell, you can 
probably throw disco in there as well. i know that by making such a claim i 
leave myself open to all kinds of nitpicking (sp?), but jb cut a mighty wide 
swath through his half of the century. 

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