I was hoping someone in the know regarding the P2 meet 'n' greet in conjunction with 
Kelly Willis this weekend could tell me what's the plan. Where ye meeting? When? Which 
night? and anything else. I've been lurking long enough, it's time to get out in the 

I know this has all been covered, but I had to find out what my weekend was going to 
be like before I knew if I was going to be able to go.

Another thing:

If anyone's interested, my band (Star City) just finished recording a record and we 
have some promo cds that I'm giving away to all takers. Some of you might have heard 
of us. (Maybe not.) We play around the city a lot at Rodeo Bar and the like. I know 
this falls into the shameless self-promotion category, but hey, I'm giving the things 
away. If you don't like it you can make it into a coaster or add it to your promo cd 
mobile. I'll be bringing a big bunch of them to the show with me.

Thanks in advance.

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